May 2, 2013
Sociologists conduct various types of research in order to study human societies. Depending on the purpose of the research, either qualitative (non-numerical) or quantitative (numerical) research may be more beneficial. Researchers may also use field research in order to see the events as they actually occur or use unobtrusive research of social behavior that people create or leave behind. Content analysis is a form of unobtrusive research that studies documented commercials, such as magazine advertisements. The research conducted in our study required the use of content analysis because the purpose of the study was to look at how gender roles are portrayed within various magazine advertisements. Advertisements have enhanced societies’’ perception of stereotypes and social norms. Advertisements have allowed society to single out outliers that do not fit into their respective stereotypes or follow the expected social norm. The advertisements from various magazines are targeted at different audiences, which were then categorized into four major themes in order to depict the perceived differences between male and female gender roles in American society.
Background/Literature Review: Every day, society is bombarded by a slew of advertisements to attract the eye and sell the perfect product. Graphic Designers, Commercial Advertisers, Posters, Magazines etc. are tirelessly edited and revised to sell to the consumer in such a way that makes the product almost possible to resist. However, what methods are being used to help subconsciously persuade each individual? Could the same stereotypical roles that we learned in grade school as discriminatory, sexist, and just plain out wrong be presented in such a way that makes a product appealing to the common consumer? It is important to discuss the fact of how gender roles may be used in any form of advertisement to sell a product
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