Pollitt’s claim to be a “mad fan” (554) of both the films and book Hunger Games. What she admires most about Katniss character is its non-stereotypical role. She goes on to illustrate that “Katniss has qualities usually given to boys: a hunter who’s kept her mother and sister from starving since she was 11… intrepid... [yet] at the same time... feminine: never aggressive or swaggering, tenderhearted and protective of the …show more content…
For this purpose, Julie Zeilinger’s article on “Guys Suffer from Oppressive Gender Roles Too” discuss the limitations in male and female roles. Zellinger explains that “ In this society, adhering to the standards imposed by masculinity means never developing your true identity, never taking the opportunity to find out who you really are” (539).
A statement that supports the subject on “feral feminism” (554) in Hunger Games, Pollitt goes on to describe Katniss as an “independent spirited” character who [as opposed to girls her age], [is] just not about her looks, clothes, popularity, gossip, drama or boys… but a complex character with courage, brains and a quest of her own” (555-556). Therefore just like Pollitt’s, Katniss would have earned Zeillinger’s respect and admiration as well for Katniss Everdeen’s role in this