When growing up, your family, the primary socialization agent, plays a huge role in reinforcing gender roles. for example, because I was a girl, my room was decorated in pink. My parents bought me skirts, dresses, and handed me dolls to play with. I used to have long hair just like the Disney princesses I grew up watching. In high school, when I was choosing a career, my parents rejected the idea of going to a law school to major in criminal justice, because being a prosecutor/lawyer was not considered a woman's job. Individuals learn about gender not only from the family but through other socialization agents such as peers, religion, etc.
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If another group wants more power, they should engage in a conflict. Since U.S is considered a patriarchal society, women are taught that men are stronger, smarter, more capable, which penetrates the view of gender. The professions that are considered more feminine such as child care, nursing, teaching are devalued and more aggressive professions such as lawyers are rewarded. Conflict theory also entails feminism, the belief that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities. Women don;t get those opportunities because they are considered