The political realm has always been seen as a more “masculine” role. In politics, some of the main things that seems to be valued are assertiveness and toughness, which are normally believed to be mainly male traits. The “ideal” politician also almost always has some kind of military experience, showing a value for hyper-masculinity and even violence, however it is often explained as showing that the leader has good decision making. All these valued traits seem to automatically discount women from leadership positions in the eyes of society, as women are traditionally seen as more docile and even weak. This existing bias has now led to the news media automatically characterizing women as less qualified for political …show more content…
If female politicians do not get as much airtime as their male counterparts, they will not have the chance to gain as much name recognition or talk about their policies for potential voters. If people are less aware that female candidates are running or what their policies are, they are less likely to vote for them and male candidates will get elected. This disparity in airtime could be due to the fact that men hold most of the higher positions in the media industry, so they will put out content that they would like to