Gender Stereotypes In The Fans Of Star Trek
The fans of Star Trek have taken on a belief that the series lays out a concept, a life teaching thing. Many consider the series to be a culture icon.(Trekkies) The characters grasp the idea of portraying a mortal good doers. William Shatner (Captain Kirk), in the film talked to a group of fans about how Star Trek is not only entertainment but it is also philosophy, it changes the view of education. It illustrates diversity, teaches space science, teaches people how to treat others with respect, equality, acceptance, and having hope & chance. It also disguised political, war and black & white matters within the episodes. Not only did it show the acceptance of races, but it also showed the possibilities women could obtain; Kate Malgrew portrayed
a female leader-showing authority from women figures, African American women on the series (portrays a scientist) show that they can be anything and anyone they want to be, not just a servant.(Trekkies)
Fan conclude that Star Trek is a blueprint for: philosophy, ideals, prince directive, and genetic mapping-shaping the world for a better outcome. Since the show had predicted the advances of technology.