Psyc281-33 General Psychology
December 10th 2012
Research Question: Locus of control
External Locus of Control-Individual believes that his/her behaviour is guided by fate, luck, other external circumstances.
Internal Locus of Control-Individual believes that his/her behaviour is guided by his/her personal decisions and efforts.
Carden, R., Bryant, C., & Moss, R. (2004). Locus of control, test anxiety, academic procrastination and achievement among college students. Psychological Reports, 95(2), 581-582. doi: 10.5332/03000-4333.23.22
This article Locus of control, test anxiety, academic procrastination and achievement among college students was very interesting. It talks about the internal vesus the external. The findings of Carden, Bryant and Moss' (2004) study of 114 undergraduates were that the internal Locus of Control (LOC) students showed lower academic procrastination and to test anxiety, and reported higher academic achievement than the external locus of control students. They also provided a self-report of their cumulative GPA. Students were divided into two groups by a median split of 10.5, making that group have a internally oriented group of 57 concluded in this article and the second group being the externally with a 57. The former students showed significantly lower academic procrastination, test anxiety, and reported higher academic achievement than the later group.
King, K. L. J. (2004). A comparison of the psychological attributes, aspirations and outcomes of students with learning disabilities. Dissertation Abstracts International, 64(12-A), 4384.
SES, retention, LOC, & self-concept were found to significantly impact the post-secondary participation of students with learning disabilities, while ability, race, aspirations, and services for learning disabilities did not (King, 2004). SES and LOC were statistically significant in differentiating students who did not participate in any post secondary education, those