The novel, “The Bully Boys” by Eric Walters chapters 15-18 continues about a farm boy named Thomas who rides alongside James FitzGibbon as a companion due to the fact the Americans are hunting him down. First, FitzGibbon is hit by a musket ball and is injured. Thomas needs to defend FitzGibbon from getting hit again so, Thomas kills 1 soldier, badly wounds 1 while the third one escaped. The injured soldier tells Thomas to deliver a letter to his wife and kids because he thinks he is close to death. Thomas keeps thinking about the man he killed because once you have killed a man, it will stay in your memory for ever. Then, Laura Secord, a loyal British subject, who has walked from Queenston comes to warn FitzGibbon about how the Americans are…
Erik Brandt is a 16 year old half Russian half German boy. He is in a program called Jungend which is also known as Hitler's Children Army. It is like Boy Scouts for German Kids. They boys in the Jungend are also enlisted soldiers who have to fight when it is needed. One day Erik is sent to fight in the war. He is shipped to the eastern front where the Germans have to fight Russia on Russian soil. Erik is uncomfortable because he is half Russian and German. He was aware of the things Germans were doing to Jews but he was convinced it was right and that Jews were preventing Germany's world domination. While traveling to Russia he becomes acquainted with some other boys in his platoon named Oskar, Jakob, and Fassnacht. They get attacks by aircraft and very few of the Germans die but the boys are pretty scared. When they reach their destination they go into the trenches and prepare to fight. Their commander explains the plan and teaches them how to use certain equipment like mines and grenades. When the first waves of Russians attack it is mainly infantry foot soldiers. The Germans win and Erik thinks it’s over and he is exhausted and tired. Then their commander says that was the easy one and tells them to prepare for tanks to start progressing. In the second wave the Germans start to drop and German hope looks lost. Erik is hit by a grenade and he is hurt. He is lying in pain in the bottom of a trench. With many dead bodies around him, he sees that playing dead won’t help because the Russians are stabbing every body they find with a bayonet. He knew he was running out of time. To his luck a tank broke down over him. He now has to think fast. He sees a dead Russian boy and puts on him uniform to disguise himself. He leaves the trench disguised as a Russian. As he is going he get shot by a surviving German in the side. He passes out and wakes up in hospital. When the soldiers he meets asks his name he says he has amnesia. He meets a young nurse in…
In Pierre Berton’s ‘Vimy’, the reader is taken on an adventure following multiple Canadian soldiers who bravely fought in world war one. It is tough for any author to capture the real horrors of war, but in his non-fiction historical masterpiece, Canadian author and historian, Pierre Berton, does an excellent attempt to do just that. With accurate quotes and images it feels as if you have ventured across the cold Atlantic ocean, just as young Canadians did almost one hundred years ago. In 1914 Britain joined a war that had already had its first battles, primarily between the German and the French. Because Canada was under the rule of the king and not its own country (yet), she automatically joined on the side of Britain. When this happened, there was much commotion in Canadian streets. “All Across Canada from Toronto to Quebec and Calgary to Vancouver, men were rushing to enlist.” (Berton 17) Many were turned down. Some because they were too unfit some because they wore glasses and some because they were too small. But the most popular reason was because the boys were too young. The legal age to enlist in Canada is eighteen but it was not uncommon for boys who were only seventeen or even younger to lie about their age. Boys were over the moon to get out of school early, some quitting after just grade ten. It was the thing to do back then. Like modern commercials we see on television where marketers use advertising techniques like bandwagoning, young boys were anxious to be in the army and more importantly, not to be left out. These events demonstrate the first theme present in the first half of the book- patriotism. Or in this case, false patriotism, because these boys, now soldiers, were very mislead. They thought of war as heroic cavalry charges and sieges that would go down in history, but once they arrived in France they quickly realized otherwise. Patriotism is evident throughout this book, but mostly during the chapters concerning the Canadians. Pierre Berton…
Erich Maria Remarque’s book All Quiet on the Western Front explains the brutal and filthy life inside the trenches during the first world war. The story revolves around high school friends who through nationalism and propaganda are convinced to join the war effort. However they did not get the heroic lifestyle they were expecting. Instead they got years filled with death, despair, and fear as they continued to fight and attempt to stay alive. Readers will follow the story and learn the true horrors on the battlefield and how even in a state of hopelessness people will still be human.…
All Quiet On the Western Front, written by author Erich Maria Remarque, takes readers through a series of events in which the main character, Paul Baumer, ends up eventually being a true shattered, broken man. Remarque takes readers through Baumer’s transformation, as he starts out a hometown, naive, schoolboy who enjoys reading plays and eating potato-cakes, and is changed to that truly broke and shattered man as he is struggling to survive World War I on the front. Prior to the war, Paul’s schoolmaster, Kantorek, romanticises the idea of war, and encourages Baumer and all those with him to join the war, “”saying in a moving voice: “Won’t you join up, Comrades”” (11)? Paul and his friends listen to Kantorek’s encouraging words and travel out…
Story starts with the 304th regiment being told that they are marching to what they think is a battle. Henry, the main character, wonders if he is strong enough and has enough courage to fight. During his first battle he fights and doesn’t run away and they win. The next day the enemy attacks them and Henry flees from the battle like a coward. He wonders off and wonders if what he did was right finding that nature agreed with him. Later he regroups with his squad and fights with rage due to his friend Jim Conklin’s death. Henry regains his courage and fight like a true soldier and they win the battle. After the battle he lives in peace or dies in peace.…
Although both narratives, Generals Die in Bed and It Made You Think of Home, attempt to dispel the glamorous depiction of war, Generals Die in Bed better helps individuals understand WWI in that it focuses solely on the war rather than the narrator, gives a realistic, yet controversial, description of Canadian soldiers role in the war, whilst also continually highlighting the vanity of war. Barnes diary entries tend to err towards a more conservative outlook on the war, while the unnamed narrator of General’s Die in Bed addresses more controversial issues that were prevalent during WWI. Issues such as war crimes, false intel being fed to the troops from higher ups to keep them motivated, as well as the lack of patriotism among the troops are…
In All Quiet on the Western Front by Enrique Maria Remarque, the reader follows Paul Baumer as he fights through World War I and discovers the trials of being a soldier. As they survive through the war with each other, Paul and the other soldiers began to understand certain realities of life. Going into the battlefield teenagers, the soldiers come out as old men, burdened with their experiences. The war, meant to glorify Germany and turn its men into heroes, deadens and dehumanizes Paul and the other soldiers until they can’t recognize themselves.…
The novel ‘Generals die in bed’ written by Charles Yale Harrison tells a story surrounding a young Canadian soldier’s experiences in the first world war .The nameless soldiers experiences in the trenches intensity as the story progresses. The narrator and the soldiers just got one conviction that was keep alive in the horror war. And the people who were not participate just laugh even appreciate this war is good for man.…
Graff is a Colonel for a reason. He is reasonable when it comes to important decisions and is confident in all of his choices. Graff is not afraid to be too harsh on the kids. He does not care what other people have to say, he does what he has to do. What he does is always best for the International Fleet. A good leader uses their best tools to their advantage, like he uses Ender. “Fairness is a wonderful attribute, Major Anderson. It has nothing to do with war.” says Graff on page 97. This quote demonstrates how he does not need anything to be fair, he needs to win. He stays focused on his main goal throughout the whole book. “I believe every lie that I ever told. Paid for every heart that I ever stole” is the lyrics in the song that…
War is often viewed as one of the most dangerous and brutal events ever created. It utterly destroys the humanity and mental state of soldiers fighting in the war. In All Quiet on the Western Front, a world renowned war novel by Erich Maria Remarque, the epigraph states that this novel “will try simply to tell of a generation of men who, even though they may have escaped shells, were destroyed by the war.” Staying true to this quote, Remarque tells of the horrors of World War I and fittingly describes the effects that war has on humans through the eyes of the protagonist, Paul Bäumer. In his epigraph Remarque says, “this book is to be neither an accusation, nor a confession, and least of all an adventure.” Except for a few notable exceptions,…
Generals Die in Bed is a anti-war novella written by a Canadian author. Based on a true story, this novella showcases the reality of being in the trenches of WW I. The passage I have selected above shows how defiant one can be in a time of stress and emotional trauma as well as how authority can set seemingly unfair rules. This passage can easily display themes of rebellious and defiance towards authority as it also creates a mood of anxiety and gloom through a first person perspective.…
The story goes that Jim Holley, a World War I soldier, once came to give his final farewells to a friend of his that he lost in the Battle of Verdun. Jim saw his friend lying in his casket and all he could do was cry. Jim felt like he almost lost an entire piece of himself.…
The history of war is what many spend time reading about in textbooks. Few, however, experience war and all that it encompasses. David Leckie, a marine during World War II, uses his book, Helmet for My Pillow, to share with readers the truth of what it was like to be a soldier. Rather than skimming the surface of his time on Parris Island and the Pacific Islands, he goes into unmatched, excruciating detail; every trench dug, every shot fired, and every fallen soldier passed was recounted by Leckie. Setting this story apart from any other, the first-hand accounts of combat, unlikely descriptions of the day-to-day actions of the soldiers, and the heart that Leckie intertwines with each part of his story all combine to make this thought-provoking,…
The main character is described as young, “His face was the face of a student, thin and ascetic”, but also as one who had experienced death, which could mean that he had been in a war before. The author, Liam O’Flathery, was born in 1896 and served during World War I, only five years before the civil war…