The story goes that Jim Holley, a World War I soldier, once came to give his final farewells to a friend of his that he lost in the Battle of Verdun. Jim saw his friend lying in his casket and all he could do was cry. Jim felt like he almost lost an entire piece of himself.
Jim constantly thought about this friendship he had lost and he knew how important it was to value the other people that were around him. We, like Jim, can learn to value the others around us. The people who are around us now can be our best friends for a lifetime.
But what Jim really didn’t know or understand was that it was the people in life that you can never get back. It’s the people that you lose that you can never get back. Sure you can
lose various materialistic objects, but the people in your life are the ones you can never get back.
Our society needs to learn how to value others the same way that they value themselves. Like Jim, one day we will see all of those people that we didn’t have a compassion or a value for. Then we will be the ones that are standing by our friends crying ourselves.