After reading Genesis 1-10 my observation of the reading was that this was one of the beginning stories of man. In addition this was when God created the heavens and the earth including the light, water, land, and creatures. It took God six days to make the earth, and on the seventh day God rested. In addition Adam and Eve were the first two humans that God had created they were the first couple, and first to sin. Adam recognized that Eve was his wife by marriage, and has verse 24 suggested this is the basis for marriages today in the present.
In the Garden, the myth tells of how God places a serpent within Eden. The serpent knows that God has given all the fruits of the trees except one. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This particular tree is forbidden to be eaten by man. The serpent is crafty though and gets Eve to think she will be as knowledgeable as God by eating this fruit. She falls into temptation and eats of the tree. She then convinces Adam to also eat. He follows and the result is the final and horrible downfall of man.
After Adam and Eve committed the first Sin this was a disobeying by God, and that’s why they had become ashamed of showing their bodies. The serpent is forced to travel on in belly which explains why they were not created with legs. To women, the explanation of child birth and the extremely horrible pains of labor are answered. Woman is also given a place in society as now having to be under the control of man. Women are seen here as the evil seducers and left to be put in the role of future “housewife”. Men are given a feeling of having a deserved power over women. Laborers in the field now had a reason for bad crops; an answer for weeds, thorns and unwanted insects. Man from this point on was no longer in the Garden of Eden. He would be forced to work in the field for his food and toil over the land to produce crops. Adam and Eve later on had two children first a child named Cain, and letter