In the Workplace and Insurance Companies
Carolina Atai
Molloy College
Genomics: Confidentiality and Privacy Issues
In the Workplace and Insurance Companies
According to Hinkle and Cheever, “genomics is the study of the human genome, including gene sequencing, mapping, and function” (p. 107). The sequencing of the entire genome was completed in 2003 and is being used today to develop treatments of both rare and common diseases. The Genomic National Human Genome Research Policy Roundtable Summary stated
Genomic medicine is a powerful way to tailor health care at the individual level by using patients' genomic information. By identifying the genetic factors associated with disease, it is possible …show more content…
As Badzek, Henaghan, Turner, and Monsen (2013) state, genetic testing may reveal health risks to the patient and, as a result, their family members and is where an ethical dilemma may result. According to the ANA Code of Ethics, currently a nurse does not have the legal right to inform the family of a particular genetic disease and by doing so, would break the client-nurse confidentiality. However, as educators it is also the role of a nurse to educate a patient and speak with them about the significance of a particular genetic disease and how it could possibly impact their family’s health and well …show more content…
and Monsen, R. (2013), Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in the Translation of Genomics Into Health Care. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 45: 15–24. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12000
Hinkle, J., & Cheever, K. (2014). Management of Patients With Chest and Lower Respiratory Tract Disorders. In Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-surgical Nursing, 13th Ed. Lippincott Docucare, 18-month Access North American Edition. (13th ed., Vol. 1, p. 107). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Lea, D. (2008). Genetic and Genomic Healthcare: Ethical Issues of Importance to Nurses. Retrieved November 14, 2015, from
National Human Genome Research Institute. (2007b). Genetic discrimination. Retrieved on November 14, 2015 from the National Human Genome Research Institute,
National Human Genome Research Institute. (2005). NHGRI Policy Roundtable Summary.The future of genomic medicine: Policy implications for research and medicine. Retrieved on November 14, 2015 from the National Human Genome Research