Genetic tests are done by analysing small samples of blood or body tissue. Therefore they can determine whether people carry the genes for certain inherited diseases. Genetic testing is continuously developing and has now developed enough that doctors can often accurately pinpoint missing of defective genes. This is crucial in the prevention of inherited disorders and giving parents around the world a chance to raise a healthy child. There are also many reasons why gene testing should not be available including possible inaccuracy in genetic testing.
Gene testing could be revolutionary in stopping the spread of disorders that are transferred through family line
and passed on via genes. A doctor may recommend gene testing for many reasons including: a child having a medical problem that is recognised as a genetic disorder or a couple planning to start a family and either a close relative or one of the husband and wife has inherited a genetic disorder. In the case of a child affected by a genetic disorder testing would be performed to confirm the diagnosis. It may also aid in finding an appropriate treatment depending on the severity of the genetic illness. It could make life a huge amount easier for many families around the world with children affected by genetic disorders. When a couple knows that they have been affected by a genetic disorder or in many cases a close relative has and therefore they could possess the affected gene, it can change their decision on having children dramatically. Having a child beings great happiness for couples and being deprived of this pleasure because of the uncertainty regarding passing on a genetic disorder can be fixed by genetic testing. The testing can provide the couple critical information as to whether their child will inherit the disorder when they are born. It can change people’s lives for the better and remove the doubt that many couples are often faced with.
Although genetic testing could improve a doctor’s ability to treat and diagnose genetic disorders along with preventing it being passed on from generation to generation it has some limits. Genetic testing can identify a particular problem gene but can’t always accurately predict how severely the affected gene will affect the carrier. For example with cystic fibrosis gene testing can’t predict whether the carrier will have serious lung problems or milder respiratory symptoms. Some genetic disorders can also become worse as a result of environment therefore gene testing can’t predict the severity of the disorder as it also depends on the environment. Factors such as a toxic environment, alcohol, long-term stress and drug use can have an effect on the severity of the disorder. The inaccuracy of gene testing and the tests not being able to identify how severe the inherited disorder will be are both reasons which support genetic testing not being an option for disorders that cannot be cured or prevented.
As research continues genes are being identified that put people at risk of inheriting a genetic disorder. Large amounts of money are being invested in the development of gene testing and the hope is that someday it will be possible to develop specific types of gene therapy to totally prevent some genetic disorders. In the future, if genetic testing is perfected or is as close to perfection as possible, then there is no reason why genetic testing shouldn’t be available for disorders that cannot be cured or prevented. The accuracy is the main problem regarding genetic testing however this is the case with many other forms of medical testing and at this stage the benefits out way the small risk involved in performing genetic testing.