Ecological genomics is “an interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand the genetic and physiological basis of species interactions for evolutionary inferences” (Renn, Siemens 2010). Here I will focus on the genomic techniques that can be used to answer ecological genomic questions. An overarching goal in the field of ecological genomics is to find the genes that matter in species interactions, and then to study the ecological consequences of natural genetic variation in these genes for evolutionary inferences. Depending upon the type of information already acquired for the question, that is, whether or not there already exists candidate genes, various forward or reverse genetic tools may be implemented to find candidate genes. Forward genetics implies that the phenotype or function is known and can be used to figure out which gene causes the specific phenotype or function. Reverse genetics starts from genes that have been identified from sequencing projects, but the function or phenotype is not yet known. Many genomic techniques are used in forward and reverse genetics. However, the ones I will be addressing in this paper are Microarray, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), population genomics, quantitative trait loci mapping (QTL mapping), proteomics, and metabolomics. In both forward and reverse genetics, the comparative method may be used in order to identify phenotype/function or candidate genes. For example, a related species or other closely related phylogenetic group can be used to evaluate whether a gene sequence is conserved and therefore probably not a pseudogene. However, often, at best, closely related organisms are only sequenced at specific non-overlapping genes. Due to the lack of information available in regards to the organism of interest and its most direct relatives, a reference related organism (genomic model species) is needed. For example, Windsor et al. (2006) used the
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