Nicolas Copernicus, in the 1500s, proposed a different idea; very different from the idea that the sky revolved around the earth. Copernicus suggested that the Sun was at the center and the Earth, along with other planets, moved …show more content…
In the early 1600s, an Italian scientist named Galileo Galilei had a brilliant idea and he used a telescope to look at the sky. And with that, he saw things that definitely supported Copernicus’ idea. He saw that Venus had phases like the moon, which would not make sense if everything really revolved around the Earth.
The heliocentric theory was a significant and major turning point in the history of science. But when Copernicus introduced this idea, it faced a lot of skepticism and resistance. Aside from the many opposition made by many scientists who deeply believed in Geocentrism, the Catholic church, which was also powerful and influential even back then, also opposed Copernicus’ idea because it is against the Bible’s interpretation that the earth was the center of the universe. But despite the resistance to this idea, it laid the groundwork for future scientists and astronomers. Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler have contributed and built upon this heliocentric theory. For Galileo, his observations found some compelling evidence that supported the idea that the planets orbited the Sun. And one of his significant discoveries was the observation of the four largest