Lines of longitude are parallel to the polar axis.
What is the approximate diameter of Earth at the equator?
About 8,000 miles
“Time” can be used to calculate latitude.
Why is it difficult to produce a 2-dimensional map of the earth that will faithfully reproduce to entire earth surface without distortion?
There is no way to produce such a map because of the shape of the earth.
According to Oceanography, Which of the following was the greatest obstacle to acceptance of Wegener’s theory?
The view of the earth’s mantle as a solid scaffold
P-waves are deflected or “bent” as they travel through the Earth’s mantle.
Earthquake P-waves move from side to side, like a shaken rope. …show more content…
Continental margins on the distal side of diverging plates are called passive plate margins
Because of isostocy
Granitic continental crust floats higher than basaltic oceanic crust; mountains have roots; steel ships can float
Even after 4.6 billion years, heat continues to flow out from within the earth due to radioactive decay. The heat which results from this radioactive decay contributes to the buildup of mountains and volcanoes, causing earthquakes, moving continents, and shaping the ocean basins.
Island-forming trenches are arc-shaped depressions in the deep-ocean floor. They occur where a converging oceanic plate is subducting; the San Andreas system in the west pacific ocean is a classic example
_________ cut into the continental shelf and slope, often terminating on the deep-sea floor in a fan-shaped wedge of sediment submarine canyons which one of following is the plate boundary where oceanic crust forms?
The shelf at an active margin is ____, and the shelf at a passive margin is ______
Narrow, broad
The mariana trance, site of the deepest know point within the earths crust, is a boundary between the following types of tectonic …show more content…
Which of the following tools would you be most likely to use?
Clamshell sampler
What is the name for water suitable for drinking?
Potable water
The “white cliffs of dover” must have formed in the ocean below the “calcium carbonate compensation depth” CDD
What does the greek word “neritos” mean?
“of the coast” of the four classes of marine resources, which if any contain potentially nonrenewable resources physical; biological fine particles of sediment can be classifiead as: sand, silt or clay. These particles are defined by ______ their size
_____ is the term for unintended organisms killed while fishing for desirable ones (catching dolphins in tuna nets, or albatrosses in long lines).
Sediments of the continental slope, continental rise, and the deep ocean floor that originate in the ocean are called ______
Pelagic sediments
What are the two major types of ooze found on the ocean floor?
Siliceous and calcareous
Why has the worlds average per capita fish catch declines in the 1990s
Overwhelming population growth
Which type of sediment makes up the greatest volume of sediment in the earths ocean?
The terms aquaculture and mariculture mean the same thing