The excerpt, Little War on the Prairie does an excellent job telling us what the conflict they faced, hope they had, and remembrance for the indigenous people of Minnesota. The war was one of the biggest fights between the Native Americans and Americans in history. This was the largest mass hanging in American history. It was very challenging living during these for each side.…
"Davy Crockett: The Man and the Legend" is Matt McKee's examination of the claim of Ulster-Scott heritage made on Davy Crockett's behalf. To start of his examination, Mr.McKee provides a relatively accurate overview of Davys life, giving his readers a clear sense of the man Davy was. This image of Davy is then examined for any traces of the racial or cultural traits of a Ulster-Scott. The final part of his examination looks at the legend of Davy Crockett and compares it to the mythical Hound of Ulster Cuchulian. In the end, Mr. McKee comes to the conclusion that Davy Crockett is not connected to the Ulster-Scotts,…
Once in the country he rallied resistance to the foreign invaders. As commanding officer in the northern campaign he lost the battle of Buena Vista in February 1847, returned to Mexico City, reorganized the demoralized government, and turned east to be defeated by Winfield Scott's forces at Cerro Gordo. Secret negotiations with Scott failed, and when Mexico City was captured, Santa Anna retired to exile. In 1853 he was recalled by the Centralists, but again power turned his head. To help meet expenses he sold the Mesilla Valley to the United States as the Gadsden Purchase and was overthrown and banished by the liberals in 1855.…
and prospered as a businessman. When he closed out his business in late1859 war was…
Dexter, Christian A. Review of Killing Custer: The Battle of Little Bighorn and the Fate of the Plains Indians. By James Welch and Paul Stekler. New York: W.W Norton Company, 1994.…
Brigadier General Zachary Taylor, "Old Rough and Ready," as he was known fought many battles but he is more known for the great defeat he handed the Mexican Army. The Mexican war started over many issues but mainly over Texas (Millet 2012 p. 129). Although General Taylor did not have battle experience one of his best traits that served him well under fire was his ability to stay compose and unaffected (Millet 2012 p. 133).…
George Custer was born in New Rumley, Ohio, in 1839. During the Civil War he commanded several different cavalry divisions and distinguished himself with his bravery in some of its most important battles. In 1866 Custer joined the 7th Cavalry in Kansas, and on June 25, 1876, he led 210 men against Lakota and Cheyenne warriors at the Battle of Little Bighorn, where he and all of his men were killed.…
The Buffalo soldiers were formed by the U.S Congress in 1866. They formed six army units that were made up of African Americans. The all black forces could operate only West of the Mississippi River because many Southerners still had a grudge against free black men and if they saw that they were in the army some people could turn violent. The main purpose that Congress established the Buffalo soldiers was to protect settlers in the West and to maintain the order and enforce the law. Also to lend a hand to settlers in building towns. Their name is said to come from their tough, brave and fierce personalities that the soldiers.…
I did not want this and a group of my people fought against the General George Custer who was sent to force us to move to reservations. When we beat him at Rosebud Creek we attacked him again at Bull Run I said “Today is a good day to die.” I led a charge against Custer’s troops along with Sitting Bull and Gall. We destroyed Custer’s force. After that The White father sent Colonel Nelson to force my men to move to reservation. After being chased for many months we finally surrendered. When I moved to the reservation I was arrested by some soldiers when I resisted a soldier stabbed me in the stomach and I died later that night. The date was September 5, 1877. I was only twenty-seven years…
George Washington is well known for being the first president of the United States of America, but he did much more for our country even before it was considered a country. Because George Washington learned the value of hard work when he was young he got a start surveying land for Lord Fairfax. Young George Washington also fought in the French and Indian War. To add to this he fought in our war for independence as a strong military general. All in all, George Washington was not only our first president, but he also worked hard as a land surveyor, fought in the French and Indian war, and fought in the war for independence.…
When establishing a goal plan and putting steps in place to reach those goals, I must ensure that I have the proper support and resources. It is important to have people to rely on, share similar experiences with, and receive advice from. My former Chief Controller and mentor, retired CMSgt Dave Cannon is whom I feel is the best person to ask for that support. As a Chief who spent 30 years in the Air Force and as my first Chief Controller, he posses all of the leadership traits that I strive to emulate, he is who I look up to as a leader. Chief Cannon was my facility manager for the first four years of my Air Force career. I have yet to meet a leader in my chain of command who demonstrated all three adaptability elements, and was excellent at adjusting his leadership styles and FLRD behaviors as needed. He played the role of a facility manager, a leader of Airmen, a family member, and a friend. He was always adjusting, knowing what hat to wear depending on the situation. He is the type of leader I strive to become.…
American heroism is a term that started to show itself in the early years of the creation of America as a nation and before hand when America was first founded and explored as a frontier. Heroism defined by the Oxford English Dictionary is simply, Great Bravery (Oxford, 2013). Heroism only consists of someone doing something brave, being courageous in the face of danger being someone who other people want to follow and emulate. Heroism in itself is the basis for American heroism but with the addition of American in the beginning of the term it also adds something to the definition as well. American heroism demands civilization or becoming civilized in itself to be the proper form of American heroism. It can not be American heroism unless civilization is already present or is there for the development of civilization. In both D. W. Griffith’s 1915 film, The Birth of a Nation and James Fenimore Cooper’s 1826 novel, The Last of the Mohicans, American heroism is at the forefront of the plot but only due to the rising development of civilization of the characters, settings, and plot. The definition of civilization by the Oxford English Dictionary is, the process by which a society or place reaches an advanced stage of social development and organization (Oxford, 2013). Civilization is not the sole part of American heroism but it is a major point for it’s creation and continued use in the development of American culture. America was developing itself as a nation, while gaining both populace and industry. It began to model itself after many European countries and using their influence on development, implemented civilization as a critical factor for their own form of heroism, American heroism.…
General Patton, also known as George Patton showed great adaptive leadership qualities during his career in the military. At an early age, Patton knew he wanted to join the military. Growing up he dreamed to become a war hero to follow his grandfather’s footsteps. He joined the Military Institution after high school only for a year then entered the Military Academy at West Point. Once he graduated he joined the U.S. Army as he has always planned.…
General George S. Patton was often mentioned by many historians as the “Forgotten General” he really didn’t get to see much action in virtually the entirety of his military career. It wasn’t until World War II was he got to show what he knew about warfare. General George S. Patton finally got to show the world his genius in tactical warfare and believe it or not people even compared him to Aloft Hitler. Patton’s passionate love for war Patton’s love of war; conjoin with his superficially unemotional approach to battle. Despite the Publics personal options of a lone warrior, General George S. Patton’s superiors still referred to him as a team player. It was between General George S. Patton’s considerable, and substantial achievements…
A storm is brewing in a forest in China. Soldiers fly on broomsticks throughout the city casting evil spells and setting buildings ablaze. Everyone is panicking. Some people try to fight back. Others run and hide. While the soldiers strike fear in their city, some self-proclaimed heroes are thinking about how they can stop the soldiers. They form a plan and start executing. One hero goes to the soldier’s fort and knocks on the door, saying he is a new recruit. The soldiers accept him, train him, and give him a uniform. Just like that, the heroes have a man on the inside. The heroes use their inside man to get all the information of the battle as they watch what’s happening from the distance, waiting for the right moment to continue their plan.…