George came by my house, we loaded all my belonging inside his car and my surfboard on the roof of his, I think, 1963 VW bug with an engine made to go really fast. And that began a journey that a few days later landed us in California for our first surf adventure. There would be many more of those that followed that involved other friends. That driving pull
that seemed stronger than the gravity holding me to the ground, led me down a road that eventually led me into the very presence of God. It took a few years to get there, but that’s what I was doing 50 years ago.
Have I learned anything? Sure. Made mistakes? Gotten lost? I suppose that’s what life is all about. The most relevant truth I found in all my travels has been that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. His plans for me, and even you, are good and to be sought out, and above all He is a redeemer of mistakes and missed turns on the road.
Today, at this moment, I’m in California again and have been here for almost a year. Jackie and I have jumped once again into Youth With A Mission, which sounds like a misnomer, but we are in with the youth and doing all we can to see that God’s love is extended as far as we can corporately push.