Due: Friday, January 9th, 2015
By Friday, January 9th, 2015, you will have read Animal Farm on your own and completed the Double Entry Journal Project to hand in. The project is worth 100 points. Late work will not be accepted.
Step 1:
Animal Farm has 10 chapters and you will choose 10 quotes, one from each chapter, to reflect on.
Divide your paper in half lengthwise. On the left side, record the quote you have chosen, including the page number. You might want to focus on a particular theme such as hierarchy within society, the payoff and cost of acquiring knowledge, ignorance is bliss, the abuse of language, etc. On the other hand, you may choose quotes …show more content…
that are powerful for you in different ways and stand out for being surprising or familiar to your experience of the world.
NOTE: This is SEPARATE from your WNB. You may write on loose leaf, but typing is preferred.
Step 2:
On the right side of the paper, reflect on the deeper significance of what is being said.
Ponder, question, and try to answer your own questions.
Some questions to consider: What does this quote mean to you? How does it relate to the novel? To your life? What does it reveal about human nature?
NOTE: You may respond to 3 quotes artistically (drawing, poetry, advertisement, collage, etc.) but be sure to include at least a few sentences to explain your artistic response.
From Their Eyes Were Watching God; Zora Neale Hurston
“Ah was born back due in slavery so it wasn’t for me to fulfill my dreams of what a woman oughta be and do.
Dat’s one of de hold-backs of slavery. But nothing can’t stop you from wishin’. You can’t beat nobody down so low till you can rob ‘em of they will…. Ah wanted to preach a great sermon about colored women sittin’ on high, but they wasn’t no pulpit for me. Freedom found me wid a baby daughter in mah arms, so Ah said Ah’d take a broom and a cook-pot and throw up a highway through de wilderness for her. She would expound what Ah felt. But somehow she got lost offa highway and nest thing Ah knowed here you was in the world. So Whilst Ah was tendin’ you of nights Ah said Ah’d save de text for you. Ah been waitin’ a long time, Janie, but nothin’ Ah been through ain’t too much if you just take a stand on high ground lak Ah dreamed” …show more content…
This is after Nanny catches Janie kissing Johnny Taylor and because of that, she wants Janie to get married—at 16! When Janie protests, Nanny tries to explain to her why it is important to her. Nanny didn’t have the opportunities that her daughter or Janie had. Like all parents, she wants her children and her children’s children to have more than what she had. I know my parents want that for me and sometimes in their wanting, they put a lot of pressure on me. I know it comes from a loving place, but like Janie, it is not always easy to see or understand that in the moment. However, I do think Nanny is asking a lot from Janie. Getting married at 16 is crazy! And all because she kissed a boy!
I do think it is interesting though that Nanny talks about wanting to “preach a great sermon about colored women sittin’ on high.” Like Harriet A. Jacobs, she believes that women, and colored women at that, deserve more recognition and rights than they receive. She could be considered a feminist and activist. She sees that Janie could be “sittin’ on high” with Logan Killicks because he has the means that most blacks don’t have during that time period. She wants Janie to live the life she never got the chance to have.
Double Entry Journal Project Rubric
Effort & Thoughtfulness
Choice in quotations and responses show careful thought and analysis.
Responses demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the significant ideas of the novel and a personal interpretation of those ideas.
Most choices in quotations and responses show careful thought and analysis. Responses demonstrate an understanding of the significant ideas of the novel.
Some choices in quotations and responses show careful thought and analysis. Responses demonstrate a limited understanding of some significant ideas of the novel.
Entries show lack of thoughtfulness and low effort. Responses are superficial and show little or no understanding of significant ideas of the novel.
Completion & Length
All Entries are complete and at least one paragraph long. All chapters are represented. Artistic entries include a short explanation of work.
Most Entries are complete and one paragraph long. All chapters are represented. May be missing one entry.
Artistic entries include a short explanation of work.
Some Entries are incomplete or too short. Missing two or more entries. Not all chapters are represented.
Artistic entries include a short explanation of work but may be
Most Entries are incomplete, too short, or missing. A significant number of chapters are not represented. Artistic entries do not include explanations.
Organization & Clarity
Entries are organized and clear. Quotes include page numbers.
Entries are mostly organized and clear. Most quotes include page numbers.
Entries are disorganized and unclear. Doodles are obstructive. Not all quotes include page numbers.
Entries are very disorganized and unclear. Doodles obstruct reading entirely. No page numbers are given.