As a child, born around 1864 George grew up to an enslaved couple known as Mary and Giles, owned by Moses Caver. Then suddenly George followed by his mom and sister were kidnapped by raiders and sold in kentucky. Only then was George brought back by one of Moses’ agents. After the Civil War ended in 1865, slavery ended as well. It was at this moment when Moses Carver and his wife Susan Carver decided to keep George and his brother James and educate the two. However going to school was difficult for George because of his race. But George was not only interested in science at the time, but also had a passion for art. After getting a Bachelor's degree in science at Iowa State, Carver was convinced to stay and get a master’s degree.
After graduating from Iowa State Carver then decided to look for a career that suited his intelligence. Eventually the principal of African American Tuskegee Institute, Booker T. Washington, hired Carver to lead the school’s …show more content…
He was seventy eight years old. He was buried next to Booker T. Washington on the Tuskegee grounds. Carver's tombstone reads: "He could have added fortune to fame, but caring for neither, he found happiness and honor in being helpful to the world." Even though he died, Carver’s reputation continued on. Carver used his savings to establish a museum filled pieces of his work including his paintings. However in December 1947, a fire broke out in the museum burning much of Carver’s work. But the museum was not the only thing Carver’s savings went to. To support future agricultural research, Carver also established the George Washington Carver Foundation at