The overall goal of this consultation is to help resolved administrative issues, by establishing a plan that the consultants can implement to help. Consultants can assist in making changes and helping a community based agencies improved their administration operations in order for the program to be effective. As I mentioned earlier consultation is a collaborative problem solving process involving a person seeking consultation. Consultee-centered Administrative Consultation helps in this process. The consultee receives resources in ways to improve problem-solving skills in dealing with current organizational problems. In this situation consultants are able to work with consultees with leadership skills and ways to help improve their program.
The Consultee-centered administrative consultation approach is one of the most important consultation that is used. The main purpose is to focus on difficulties among consultees and incorporate techniques to enhance their abilities to perform their work (Brown, Pryzwansky, & Schulte, 2011). Overall I have found this topic of Capalan’s model of Mental Health Consultation to be very beneficial. Consultation is an important aspect of counseling and their will definitely come a time with counselors will need to utilize this process in order to be more effective in their