In the era of Beowulf the pre-christian Germanic gods venerated in actual human historical figures who, upon their death , were posthumously elevated to divine status in a created mythology. ODIN ; was The “all father” and leader of the Germanic patheon. TYR; the early god of war in Germanic religion , often call “tyr the wise” . THOR; son of odin and jord. Thor is the god of war, strength, thunder/ lighting, and physical battle , he is most famous for his use of mjollnir , the mighty hammer capable of destroying any target.
FORSETI; god of peace ,diplomacy ,truth , knowledge, and justice. FREYJA; god of wind and storms. FREYJR; god of love, sexuality ,fertility ,relationships and the harvest. HEIMDALL; god representing vigilance, the senses, perception, foresight/predicition and readiness. Fatalism played a role in the pre-christian Germanic beliefs. Pre-christian Germanic people saw fate s something that was not entirely something out of their control. Yet we will see that not only are human actins are very much a part of the equation of Germanic thought, but some can indeed escape their self-made fate. Such as the character honscio’s fate was woven outside of any control of his.
The various Germanic peoples were