Select a marine organism from the region and discuss its adaptation to the environment due to natural circumstances or pollution.…
a) What would happen to the preferred habitat of your plant in case of partial water drainage of the Mer Bleue marsh?…
7. Which two scientists proposed seafloor spreading? Which scientist’s proposal was confirmed by direct observations of the seafloor with submersibles?…
Scientists use sound waves to figure out the shape of the ocean floor because sound waves echo off the ocean floor - the longer it takes a sound wave to return to the ship, the deeper the water is.…
15. Populations of microscopic marine organisms in ocean surface waters closely match their abundance in sediments on the ocean floor, even though it takes 10 to 50 years for an individual particle to sink to deep-ocean depths. What accounts for this pattern?…
3. Where would it be most likely that you would find internal waves in the ocean?…
1. In your own words, summarize what causes tides. Discuss the effects of tidal forces…
7. The coastal Plaines: Area of flat, low-lying land adjacent to a seacoast and separated from the interior by other features…
-Limnetic zone: open water beyone littoral zone, extends down as far as light penetrates, microscopic organisms…
4. The yellow-green color of coastal waters as compared to the blue color of the open ocean is a result of what?…
California has suffered a historical wetland reduction of 91%, and there are currently fifteen wetland areas remaining in San Diego counties, which is a fraction of what there used to be. These wetlands consist of estuaries, lagoons, marshes, and sloughs (Seaworld). By definition, an estuary is the tidal mouth of a great river, where the tide meets the current of fresh water (Oxford English). Lagoons are a shallow sound, channel, or pond near or communicating with a larger body of water. Marshes are a tract of soft wet land usually characterized by monocotyledons (as grasses or cattails), and sloughs are places of deep mud or mire. (Merriam-Webster). For our project, we noticed that less than 5% of our map consisted of…
Almost anything can be found in seawater. This includes dissolved materials from Earth's crust as well as materials released from organisms. The most important components of seawater that influence life forms are salinity, temperature, dissolved gases, nutrients, and pH.…
photic zone. The photic zone is from the surface of the water down to a depth in that particular…
B. Special Pigments or Coloration: Dark grey with lighter underbelly; flippers and flukes are grey and spotted with white…
In which zone can rooted plants be expected to be found attached to the seafloor? What is the name of this zone, and why are plants found there?…