Medication administration is a key element for nursing practice. During my CPU class, my tutor demonstrated how to administered medications to patient using five rights which were right patient, right drug, right time, right dose and right route (Bullock & Manias, 2013), to follow the OSCA criteria step by step and to use proper asepsis technique, then I was asked to administer a drug to the patient (dummy). Firstly, I asked my tutor to observe my medication administration procedure. According to the patient notes, patient was due for Heparin injection through …show more content…
Even though I have practiced a lot, I did a mistake, but I have learned from my mistakes and will never happen again. I have learned to follow the steps in sequences and double checking the medicines to prevent harmful medication errors also it helps me to build trust in patient to provide holistic care. To enhance my learning knowledge, I could have relaxed my mind and think carefully before doing any procedure. I could have made notes while tutor was demonstrating the core practice skills and also as a student nurse I must repeatedly practice and make a habit of pre-reading which helps me to build confidence. I could have reflect on my practice to get better for next time. I also need to check Mims before drug administration and calculate correctly and finish the procedure in a proper time frame to better my learning process.
For professional growth and learning, I need to reflect on my own personal experience to develop skills and knowledge to utilize them into practices, also I can develop effective communication skills between nurse and patient to build trust and develop understanding to deliver quality nursing care (Dempsey, Hillege & Hill, 2014). In the future, I need more practices and pre-reading so, I would not get confused and forgot to wear gloves. I have realised to follow the OSCA criteria sheet and safe protocol to avoid the