The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller, is a story that takes place around the Salem witch trials in 1692. The play mainly focuses around the Proctor family, John and Elizabeth Proctor are wrongfully accused of witchcraft just like the rest of the town. Giles Corey is a local senior citizen and well known throughout the town, he mentions that his wife reads strange books and his wife gets accused even though she just reads. Giles Corey starts to realise the reasons for some of the accusations and starts to accuse the accusers and inform the judges thats its all a lie to try to preserve peoples honor and integrity. Giles character reflects a major question raised in the play: What does it take to be a truly honorable person? As Giles efforts to stay an honorable person and help keep other peoples honor, he is willing to go to great lengths to keep his honor.
In the second act, Proctors is getting warned by Hale, visiting as a friend not an official of the court, that his wifes name was brought up in court and that she might be arrested for witchcraft. Giles and Francis come in and start to talk about how their wives of all people were arrested, and Giles is seems most concerned when he says, “ I never said my wife were a watch, Mr. Hale: I only said she were reading books” (71). This is when Giles first starts to worry about his honor and his wife's honor if the word gets out that she was arrested. This is the beginning of Giles quest to stay an honorable person and possibly save many others honor.
As honorable and self preserving as Giles Corey is, he is obviously going to stand up for his wife and talk to danforth about his wrongful arrest. His first reactions were of shock, now he is angry and is pleading to judge Danforth, “ They be tellin’ lies about my wife” (85), then goes on to tell him that he didn't mean for her to be arrested when he said, “Your Excellency, I only said she were readin’ books, sir, and