He follows “procedures” and refuses to admit Proctor’s deposition. He maintains that a “person is either with this court or he must be counted against it”. He maintains that 4000 are already set to hang in jails upon his signature and 72 are ready to be hang in Salem here as well. There is “no road in between.” Danforth is convinced that “the voice of Heaven is speaking through the children” and that any hesitation would be to admit that he has already erred in the sentencing of prior convictions. He does not brook any exceptions and will not stay the proceedings because this will cast aspersions on his honour and reputation, which he confuses with the court’s.
When John Proctor and the Reverend Hale plead for the innocence of their loved ones and seek more time, Danforth dismisses their concerns by stating that “it is not just” for those already found guilty.
In the crucible faith and truth are shown all around in the story starting by the witchcraft and on up to John Proctor lying to the court and cheating on his wife, and then everyone letting the truth come out and starting to get people killed it but in