“Gillette Case Study”
Ankit Goel (PGP/17/309)
Gomathy A. (PGP/17/319)
Nikhil Kumar gupta (PGP/17/329)
Shaukat Ali Shahee(FPM/07/09)
Rachna Ravi (PGP/17/339)
Supriya Pushkar (PGP/17/349)
Major decision issues in the case
Gillette has the major chunk in the premium-priced market in this sector. However, its major competitors were imported, low-end and double-edges blades by brands such as Tiger and Tatra. These brands were not only more easily available to the majority of Indonesia’s population but also priced much more aggressively.
Apart from “Gillette Goal Red”, the other products have brand awareness much lower than that of its competitors.
Also, Gillette concentrated on a target population a target population of urban men in the middle group bracket.
The wholesalers and distributors had poor facilities and traditional, less effective goods handling methods.
The major decision issues are: 1. How to compete with brands like Tiger and Tatra 2. Increasing awareness of all products and need for them and the target population for the marketing program 3. Better ways of distribution and inventory 4. Increasing staff loyalty 5. Understanding local issues and traditions and advance planning to make accommodations for them
Recommendations/inferences on the major issues.
1. Aggressive marketing, localized 2. Better reach to target populations 3. Increase remuneration given to managers to reduce the attrition rate 4. Increasing the awareness and sales of Blue Blade which is the most affordable of Gillette blades 5. Increasing the sales of Gillette Sensor among the elite, urban populace as it is a high margin product. 6. Better management of distribution, store and inventory
Summary of Analysis (quantitative and qualitative) supporting the
Gillette has little