Analyzing god-animal relationships, the distinct differences between ancient Hebrew and Babylonian beliefs concerning the fluidity of creation become clearly evident. While there are certainly not enough texts surveyed in this paper to demonstrate any sense of causation, there does appear to be, within the context of analyzing Genesis and Gilgamesh, a positive correlation between the date-of-authorship and the rigidity of the hierarchy of creation. Thus, more recently composed texts, such as Genesis 1, present a better-defined hierarchy in which God is superior to mankind, and mankind is superior to animals. So, whereas the God presented in Genesis 2 as walking and talking in the Garden of Eden is considerably anthropomorphized, the God presented in Genesis 1 exhibits no signs of corporeality or other such traits. Yet even the anthropomorphized God of Genesis 2 is dwarfed in comparison to the gods portrayed in the Epic of
Analyzing god-animal relationships, the distinct differences between ancient Hebrew and Babylonian beliefs concerning the fluidity of creation become clearly evident. While there are certainly not enough texts surveyed in this paper to demonstrate any sense of causation, there does appear to be, within the context of analyzing Genesis and Gilgamesh, a positive correlation between the date-of-authorship and the rigidity of the hierarchy of creation. Thus, more recently composed texts, such as Genesis 1, present a better-defined hierarchy in which God is superior to mankind, and mankind is superior to animals. So, whereas the God presented in Genesis 2 as walking and talking in the Garden of Eden is considerably anthropomorphized, the God presented in Genesis 1 exhibits no signs of corporeality or other such traits. Yet even the anthropomorphized God of Genesis 2 is dwarfed in comparison to the gods portrayed in the Epic of