The Model of Lifestyle Balance is divided into five dimensions. The first dimension is biological health and physical safety. When looking at Gina’s overall health she appears to be in a good place. She tries to eat healthy the majority of the time, but due to feeling uncomfortable eating in …show more content…
This dimension is about managing multiple demands sufficiently to accomplish goals and create opportunity for energy renewal. In Gina’s case, since she is primarily focusing on academics right now. She manages her time to complete all her assignments early in order to maintain good grades. Her long term goal is to continue her education in health, wellness,and occupational studies and then move forward to working as either a life coach or special education support. Then she wants to go on to graduate school to pursue a life as an occupational therapist working in a school setting. With time management being one of her strengths, she manages her stress by staying on top of her work and not letting assignments accumulate. This helps her in the long run by keeping her in healthy condition with low