Imus Chapter
“Ginger Tea (Zingeber Officinalis) as a Prevention in Cold and Flu”
“An Investigatory Project Proposal”
In partial Fulfillment for the Requirements in science III (Chemisty)
Submitted by : Kathleen Acuna
Marvin Lou Carreon
Clarise Sevillano
Ginger is another of natures' antiviral herbs. It contains nearly a dozen antiviral compounds. Ginger is pain relieving, antiseptic and antioxidant. It is valuable for preventing and treating colds, sore throats and inflammation of mucus membranes.
Ginger reduces pain and fever and has a mild sedative effect that will encourage rest. And it is tasty. Drink a tea, or soak fresh ginger in hot water, take as a tincture and include it in your food. Ginger is also delicious in a fruit smoothy (a mix of soft chilled fruits put in a blender).
1. Is this Ginger effective as prevention to Cold and Flu ? 2. Is there any side effect if this product will be use as alternative medicine ? 3. What materials/ingredients will be needed in doing this product ?
Significance of the Study: On a cold, wintry day there is nothing like a steaming, aroma-filled cup of ginger tea to warm you up and awaken your senses. Prized for its healing properties and for adding flavor to dishes, this ordinary looking brown spice has been used since ages in Eastern cultures, especially in India and China.
The use of ginger later spread to East Africa and the Caribbean. Ginger tea has been used as a remedy against flu and colds for centuries both in India and China, as well as other countries in the East. According to Chinese culture, its powerful yang energy is what warms the lungs and stomach. Ginger root tea has been used in China for 2,500 years to treat sore throat, nasal congestion, and sinus pain.
If you should sink your teeth into a fresh piece of ginger root, you will feel the sun's fire coursing through you, as some anonymous person so eloquently said.