The previous sections explained the conflict in Northern Uganda and the use of child soldiers by the LRA. Some of the children who were abducted fled immediately. Others were hold longer by the LRA, but managed to escape. Another group are the children who remain with the LRA until adulthood. There are only a few children who remain with the LRA and secure a position with considerable influence, such as a LRA leader (Drumbl, 2012). 80 percent of the abductees managed to escape. 15 percent was rescued and only 5 percent was released (Annan, Brier & Aryemo, 2009). It is interesting to examine to what extent the girl child soldiers reintegrated back into the Northern Uganda society. This will be discussed below.
The disarmament, …show more content…
The programming can be established during the conflict, but it is mainly used after the conflict is done. Disarmament means that the weapons are collected or destructed. Demobilization stands for the dissolve of armed forces and armed groups. Reintegration, the last step, is the goal to return the people back into the civilian life (Drumbl, 2012). DDR was also used in Northern Uganda. Half of the children who were child soldiers by the LRA went to a formal reintegration process. The other half went straight home to their families (Annan, Brier & Aryemo, 2009). A study conducted by Pham, Vinck and Stover (2009) found that men were more likely than women to report to have gone to a reception center. However, the proportion of women who went to the center was higher than men. Legal amnesty was granted by The Amnesty Act in 2000 for any returnee who engaged in rebellion against the government. The formal reintegration process starts when a returnee reports itself by an authority and obtains an amnesty certificate. The returnee than passes through the government army barracks to a reintegration center. These reintegration centers