In terms of outcomes of socialization, for Luis it was apparent that his work ethic was shaped by the hardships he encountered growing up in homeless shelters, foster care, and with his mother who struggled with addiction problems. For example, he realized that he needed to ensure he was stable first before he could take responsibility over his siblings. Had he decided to sacrifice his own development, he may have ended up placing himself and his siblings in an unstable environment. Similarly, Brandon’s prosocial behaviors were affected by his lack of self esteem, adhd, and overprotective
In terms of outcomes of socialization, for Luis it was apparent that his work ethic was shaped by the hardships he encountered growing up in homeless shelters, foster care, and with his mother who struggled with addiction problems. For example, he realized that he needed to ensure he was stable first before he could take responsibility over his siblings. Had he decided to sacrifice his own development, he may have ended up placing himself and his siblings in an unstable environment. Similarly, Brandon’s prosocial behaviors were affected by his lack of self esteem, adhd, and overprotective