Negotiation is the process of discussion by which two or more parties aim for mutually acceptable agreement. There could be many parts in the negotiation.
All parts are involved in the negotiation. Cuando se negocia algo, tiene consecuencias para todas las partes (home consumers, host consumers, host local employeers, all citizens…).
The negotiation process has different stages:
Preparation: para ello hay que buscar información acera de la otra parte (culture), tratar de entender el comportamiento de la otra parte, planear lo que pasaría si…, tratar de entender la cultura, etc.
Develop profile of counterpartsFind out likely demands (try to get an idea of what would be the goal in this relationship).
Composition of opposing team: how is allow to make decisions.
Relative counterpart authority
Choose a negotiation site: cuando queremos entrar en un nuevo mercado es necesario conocer las reglas. Hay que buscar una relación equilibrada, y buscar el sitio adecuado para la negociación.
“Improvise an Approach: Effect Symphony” – strategy to put negotiation on an equal footing
British/French Channel/Tunnel negotiationsRelationship Building: En Europa este nivel no tiene mucha importancia, pero si en America Latina y China.
Getting to know one’s contacts and building mutual trust
E.g.: in Mexico and China, it is personal commitments to individuals that form the basis for enforcement of contracts, rather than the legal system
Non-task sounding (nemawashi): it refers the general polite conversation and informal communication before the meeting.
Use an intermediary: those new to negotiating should use an intermediary— someone who already has the trust and respect of the foreign managers involved. Esto suele usarse en Middle East.
It is an expresión that you use for bridging more formal stages of negotiating and stages of relationship building. What you express posturing is about future, leverage in