Business today is in a global environment. This environment forces companies, regardless of location or primary market base, to consider the rest of the world in their competitive strategy analysis. Firms cannot isolate themselves from or ignore external factors such as economic trends, competitive situations or technology innovation in other countries, if some of their competitors are competing or are located in those countries. Companies are going truly global with Supply-chain Management (SCM). A company can develop a product in the United States, manufacture in India and sell in Europe. Companies have changed the ways in which they manage their operations and logistics activities. Changes in trade, the spread and modernization of transport infrastructures and the intensification of competition have elevated the importance off low management to new levels.
Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) of the economies and companies has fuelled the competitiveness among corporate. A number of factors have lead to the increasing globalization of the world economy and as a result the competitive environment faced by the corporate has changed dramatically since the last decade. The drivers of globalization include: decreasing tariffs, improved transportation, communications and information technology, global manufacturing of products and availability of services across markets. These changes have enabled the global competitors to make the products and services available to customers worldwide, and the results have been a proliferation of choices for consumers and a need for the companies to offer greater products and service quality at lower costs in order to remain competitive. These pressures have led to an increased emphasis on reengineering internal business processes and working more collaboratively with the customers and suppliers to better integrate planning and operations