Issues can also occur on different scales. A local issue is something that affects a smaller area, such as whether a new school crossing is needed. A larger issue might be how Australia’s water is managed fairly. When we talk about a global issue we are usually referring to something that affects a number of countries and populations. It is an issue that impacts upon or is important to the global community. Global issues impact virtually all social, environmental, economic, health, and security concerns. Perhaps one of the most important roles that educators have today is helping our students understand global issues, see the connections to their own lives, and empower them to create a sustainable world. Global issues are those that have, or hold the potential for, far-reaching impacts on large numbers of people. Global issues are trans-national, or trans-boundary, in that they are beyond the capability of any one nation to resolve. Global issues are persistent or long acting in that they may take years, decades, or even generations to be
Issues can also occur on different scales. A local issue is something that affects a smaller area, such as whether a new school crossing is needed. A larger issue might be how Australia’s water is managed fairly. When we talk about a global issue we are usually referring to something that affects a number of countries and populations. It is an issue that impacts upon or is important to the global community. Global issues impact virtually all social, environmental, economic, health, and security concerns. Perhaps one of the most important roles that educators have today is helping our students understand global issues, see the connections to their own lives, and empower them to create a sustainable world. Global issues are those that have, or hold the potential for, far-reaching impacts on large numbers of people. Global issues are trans-national, or trans-boundary, in that they are beyond the capability of any one nation to resolve. Global issues are persistent or long acting in that they may take years, decades, or even generations to be