A closer look at the factors affecting growth and development
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Global Pharmaceutical Market: Overview
1. Indust ry Overview The pharmaceutical industry of the world develops and markets medicines prescribed for patients by medical practitioners. The U.S., U.K and European pharmaceutical companies are the major ones of the industry. The total number of major pharmaceutical companies (annual revenues USD 1,000 million and above) worldwide The global pharmaceutical industry is estimated to be about 50. This report gives a brief end of 2010 with a growth rate of description on the global pharmaceutical market’s size, around 5 to 6 percent. trends, issues, challenges and critical success factors etc. The report also elaborates on the profile of the major players in the global pharmaceutical market. The global pharmaceutical industry is expected to reach $830 billion by 2010 with a growth rate of around 5 to 6 percent. While the pharmaceutical industry in regions like Latin America, Europe and Japan is growing at a steady rate which is more are less equal to that of the overall industry, the developing regions like China and India are recording corresponding growth in double figures. Industry analysts predict that the pharmaceutical market would reach $1.1 trillion by 2015 with the average growth rate of around 7 percent. United States is still the largest pharmaceuticals market in the world with a market size of around $300 billion and it is expected to reach $370 to $390 billion by 2015. The developing countries like China, India and Brazil still need to go a long way to reach the level of operations of the developed countries. As the developing countries are growing at the rate of 15 to 16 percent, there is a huge scope for the development of generic drugs there.
is expected to reach $830 billion by
© ProText Knowledge Services 2010
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