ESL 092
May 5, 2011
Research P Draft # 1
Effects of Global Warming: Life is a gift from God and we have to take care of it and the place where we live. The world we live on is at least 4.6 billion years old and has been changing in many ways (Chris Stassen). Before the industrial and technology age come to our word, everything was natural and clean, but the earth has been pushed to its limits and human race has forgotten to care of it. Now we have rivers and oceans contaminated. Cities with a lot pollution, many factories, refineries, deforestation, plants nuclear, toxic gases, etc. All those things have made the earth heat up (the temperature rises), and this is called Global Warming. It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature by George Christodoulou. Now humans being are living with the effects of Global Warming. Those effects are affecting the weather, plants and animals, and an economy. About 20 years ago the earth has been suffering drastic climate changes due to global warming. These changes have caused much destabilization in the weather. Furthermore, these changes are due to that; the ozone layer has big holes. Those big holes are increasing the temperature of the earth because the sun’s rays came to the earth with more intensity. These high temperatures on the earth are making hotter days, rainfall, flood, wildfires, earthquakes, tornados F4 or F5, stronger hurricanes, droughts more severe, melting glaciers, and rise seas levels. As a result, each year those natural
Phenomena are stronger and powerful causing many death and destructions.
A lot intense climate is already occurring. Hurricanes have gotten power since 1970. Furthermore, densely populated coastal areas in cyclone-prone are most vulnerable. Hurricane Katrina was a example of that. Until 2004 cyclones were