One of the hottest topics being discussed now a days is the effects of global warming on the environment and the efforts being made in order to combat the potential effects. Simply put, global warming refers to the environmental effects caused by the constant emission of carbon dioxide from carbon based fuels. These effects are supposedly widespread; the temperature of the earth will rise, the land becomes less conducive to, vegetation, and various ecosystems become extinct. There is no common consensus on how to control the problem and through out the paper it discusses the issues of global warming.
There were three articles read that discussed how global warming is becoming a potential problem that needs to be analyzed thoroughly. One article ("On Global", 1:18) is very cautious about how to approach the problem; the author believes that not enough is known about the effects of global warming versus the costs of containing it. He suggest no more than a modest flat tax on carbon based fuels Another article (Schneider, A:17) discusses the debates that the Clinton white house representatives have over the best route in dealing with the problem. The third article (Reuter, C:7) touches on the potential effects of global warming in tropical rain forests.
Furthermore, each article shows that there is no common consensus in dealing with global warming. One article stresses that the issue is so murky that it is open to debate. Another article shows how members of the White House cannot agree on the matter and yet another author shows how countries cannot agree to ratify a treaty.
After reviewing the information available on the subject, it appears that there is no easy answer to how to deal with global warming. To begin with , there is absolutely no consensus whatsoever as to the
Cited: "On Global Warming; Why no Carbon Tax?" The New York Times 25 May 1992, late ed. Sec 1:18 Reuter. "Dangers to Forests Seen from Warming." The New York Times 17 Aug. 1993 late ed., Section C:7 Schneider, Keith "Gore Meets Resistance in Efforts for Steps on Global Warming.." The New York Times 19 Apr. 1993, Late Ed. Sec A:17 WWW. Discover. Org WWW. NASA .Gov WWW. Global Warming. net www. Edf. org/