A reason for ocean acidification is excess of carbon dioxide making the ocean more acidic than what it needs to be. This happens because carbon dioxide is absorbed by the ocean then chemical reactions occur. This is an important issue because ocean acidification is causing unsaturation it affects animals
capability to produce and maintain shells. Scientist predict ocean acidification will be up to one hundred and fifty percent more acidic by the end of the century. These high levels of ocean acidification have not been seen in twenty million years.
Any chemical change that is either physical or biological in water has a harmful effect on humans health and animals health. Plastic and other oxygen demanding waste can decrease oxygen levels. Low oxygen levels in water can cause cancer, birth defects, and genetic damage. Ocean acidification has caused ten percent of beaches to not meet federal benchmarks and forty percent of lakes to be contaminated.
Global warming is an increase in earth's temperature due to pollution. Global warming is happening because of over emittance of human activities. Human activities release about 37 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. This can cause sea levels to rise and temperatures to get higher.
Ocean acidification, pollution, and global warming are a serious issue scientist are doing a lot about. Global Warming can rise temperatures and sea levels. Pollution is any waste that harms the environment whether it's a chemical or biological change. Ocean acidification is carbon dioxide in water making life harder for animals and humans.