Many of these unexplored countries do not have laws against businesses harming the environment
Many of the workers could be exploited as they don't have labor laws yet
It could restructure an entire society making it male dominated and lessen the power of females globalization allows for the globalizing of crime (drugs, sex trade) globalization perpetuates the cycle of the rich developed countries exploiting developing countries for labor, resources... the organizations that govern globalization (IMF, World Bank) are designed by and for the developed countries. globalization has caused a decrease in wages for the developed country globalization leads to outsourcing of jobs and leads to less jobs in developed countries...
The bad things:
1. Globalization has led to greater disparity in wealth within many countries. Back to southeast Asia, the people of those countries did experience a tremendous amount of growth over the past couple of decades, but it wasn't experienced equally by all of their people. The poor have seen a moderate rise in incomes while the wealthy have seen incredible rises in their incomes.
2. The creation of what is essentially a single large global market entails certain dangers. Previously, if a nation made financial mistakes and their markets collapsed, it had little affect on the rest of the world. Now, if Mexico, Korea, Brazil, Thailand, or any other emerging nation finds itself in financial collapse they have the potential to bring down most of the world with them. Consider the widespread economic downturns experienced across the globe today due to the American banking crisis.
3. Globalization does hurt some workers in each country. For example, the US used to make most of the TVs sold in our stores. Now, the US buys all of its TVs from abroad. When NAFTA opened trade with Mexico, our TV factories closed their US plants and moved to Mexico, where they could find cheaper labor. On the flip side, Mexican farmers