APUSH- Period 4
Mr. Thompson
14 November 2012
Glory Extra Credit Assignment 1. Col. Robert Shaw: In glory, Col. Robert Shaw can be seen as the abolitionist for several reasons. He fought for fair treatment a pay for the regiment by tearing up his paycheck and demanding shoes and socks. His parents were also well-known abolitionists. Unlike the other black Col. he treated his troops equally an expected them to behave as well as the whit troops. Finally he was Barrie's with the 54th Mass. Regiment much like he would of wanted. Throughout the movie, he not only expected the blacks to behave in the same manner as the white troops but fought for their equality in the war. Pvt. Trip: Pvt. Tripp was a rebel slave that caused a lot of trouble in his own regiment as well as conflicting with others. One of the more influential scenes in the moving is when Pvt. Tripp is whipped for trying to find shoes, this alludes to slavery as we see the whip scars on his back. This shows Tripp as a runaway slave and later explains why he has no family or deep cultural background. In one of the scenes Pvt. Tripp explains to Shaw that he is not fighting the war for himself, but for the whites. Finally in the end of the movie, when Shaw is shot, Tripp leads the regiment on by picking up the flag and running up the hill towards the gunfire. Maj. Cabot Forbes: Major Forbes can be described as the "dutiful solider" in glory, because of his actions both in accepting the position and treatment of the soldiers. When Shaw asked Forbes to help him in the war, he said you got it only to please Shaw and fill his duties as a soldier. As Thomas's friend, he blames Shaw for being cold to Thomas and shows his ideas of equal treatment. During training, Forbes treated the blacks as he would the whites, and shows little care or opposition to the abolitionist movement. Sgt. Maj. John Rawlins: Sgt. Maj. John Rawlins was the first to take initiative in leading the black