Global Citizenship is an increasing awareness that our lives are connected to the lives of people across the world. We are members of a global community with rights & responsibilities to do our part to ensure sustainability of resources, social justice & equity, for all are achieved locally & globally
Social Justice
Each individual & group within a society has a right to civil liberties i.e. equal opportunity, fairness & participation in the educational, economic, institutional, social & moral freedoms & responsibilities valued by the community.
Each individual is unique & encompasses respect for our individual differences. For example, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, political beliefs or other ideologies.
A concept based on the belief all people in society are valued & able to fully participate in economic, social & cultural aspects of society.
Ideas, images & cultural forms can circulate around the world quickly, making infinite possibilities for global connections.
A concept based on fairness & the equality of outcomes. It recognizes that particular groups in society do not have the same opportunities & thus aspects of the system should be changed to achieve equality
Social Problem
A social condition (such as poverty) or a pattern of behaviour (such as violence against women) that people believe (requires) public concern and collective action to bring about change.
Social Analysis
Is a method of investigating the reasons why social problems begin. Consists of asking questions, critically analyzing all available evidence and giving attention to those most affected by the social problem.
Social Structure
How society is organized including