Outcome 1 : Understand the importance of diversity. Equality and inclusion
1. Explain what is meant by: Diveristy, Equality and Inclusion
• Diversity is about acknowledging your prejudices, allowing people to be different and respecting these differences. It is also about challenging others if necessary and speaking up for the individuals you support when they cannot speak up for themselves. For example, an care home will have different service users, with different background, culture, language and with different needs and level of support.
• Equality is about recognising individual as well as group differences, treating people as individuals, and placing positive value on diversity. For example,
• Inclusion is the act of including or the state of being included. Everybody is part of society and being treated fairly, it promotes access to opportunities and supports all people to participate, it is anti-discriminatory and works in partnership with equality and diversity.
2. Describe the Potential Effects of Discrimination:
Discrimination is a preconceived attitude towards members of a particular group formed only upon the basis of their membership of that group that leads to less favourable or bad treatment of that person. For example,
A public building does not provide reasonable access for a person in a wheelchair to be able to access the building in the same way as other people
Potential effects may include: • Causing upset • Affecting an individual’s self-esteem • Causing stress • Individuals feeling isolated • Affecting individuals’ hopes and expectations • Creating tensions • Leading to stereotyping • Leading to labelling • Producing prejudices
3. Explain How Inclusive Practice Promotes Equality and Supports Diversity
By ensuring that Health and social