The reason God isn't present in our lives (like a physical friend) is because we want to sin. He offers retribution, we demand sin. He tells us life is going to be hard, we still blame him. He tells us people will die, and we're okay with the fact until it happens to someone we know. We look at what these false Christians do and think God must have made them do it. …show more content…
We hurt each other. We step on people to get ahead. We steal. We hate. We mock. We tease. We bully. We fight. We murder. Every day. People who believe in God and don't believe in God--we all do it. We find a lost wallet and entertain the thought of taking the money inside--even if we don't in the end. The seed of sin is planted. Without it, we'd be blind followers. Life would have no purpose. It is the power of choice. Choose God, or