ExodusThe book of Exodus genre is a narrative of history. The book of Exodus was written by Moses around 1450- 1440 B.C. Key personalities are Miriam, Pharaoh's daughter, Jethro, Aaron, Joshua, Bezalel . This book is historical because it gives the reader, an account of Moses birth. Also,who his adoptive parents were and his early life as an adult.The book goes into details as to how he lead the Israelite s out to bondage. It's of law, because it gives many descriptions and details of what God’s covenant is and how it applied to the Israelite’s. Key themes are Israel's Liberation from slavery in Egypt and God's Covenant. God Uses Moses to convince the Pharaoh to set the people of Israel free, through the burning bush. Moses and Aron confront the Pharaoh to release God's people, but the request is ignored. Exodus speaks of a plague that God used Moses releases plagues on Egypt. After the Passover, the tenth plague occurred and every firstborn in the land of Egypt was struck down by the Lord. The pharaoh, another important figure, could not tolerate the plagues. The exodus from Egypt occurs. Moses presents the people of Israel with the tabernacle, priest, and worship instructions.…