“Sonny’s Blues” is a tragic story. It is saddening and moving type; touches our heart. My personal resonance with the story is that in the absence of my parents, when they used to be away from home for works (sometimes parents would not be home for days and weeks), my big brother took care of me as a fatherly figure and provided me …show more content…
with everything I needed, including emotional supports.
Part II:
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
James Baldwin’s “The Fire Next Time” is a collection of essay that inspired white Americans to think from the black perspectives and look things through the eyes of the African-American community. In this work, Baldwin offers a realistic picture of race relations, in which, Baldwin seems hopeful to change and improve things later. “If we…do not falter in our duty now, we may be able…to end the racial nightmare (Baldwin 2015, Slide 6).”
Part III:
I do not think anything good happens to Connie at the end of the story. Based on the story, the possible outcomes to Connie could be her rape and emotional devastation…and possibly her death at the end. Arnold insists Connie to leave with him. He is frightening and terrifying in his obsession that Connie leaves with him. Arnold’s intentions seem sexual in nature, which is visible in his characteristics. The presence of another man in the car makes the situation look even worse. Based on all these things, we guess, Connie’s situation is on the dark side (O Brien 1978).
After reading O Brien’s “Going after Cacciato,” I came to realize Cacciato in an imaginary character, more than a physical soldier with a human body and flesh who has gone AWOL.
In O Brien’s story, Cacciato plans to travel from Vietnam to Paris, which is a transition from war to peace in this case. Cocciato’s decision to go to Paris represents his longing desire for peace—just as many soldiers in Vietnam War would have wanted then. Based on these all, I think, while dealing with the tragedies of the Vietnam War, the soldiers will finally be able to return home to their families, when they no longer would have to fight this war, and ultimately feel the sense of peace and relief in them. Caccaito, in this story, represents this internal notion of the soldiers’ mindset and their feelings inside. And this is how, I think, the story will end, ultimately the soldiers being able to find their peace (Perkins