
Going Back To College

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I like to think that after high school you can just go and be free from school for a while. When you’re finished with high school sometimes it can be overwhelming to think of going back to school again. When some students finish high school some are not ready to leave home, some want an income before acquiring debt, and some would like a job that is a trade that requires no college.
Being attached to something and to just get up and leave it is a hard thing to do. Every spring students graduate high school uncertain what they want to do with their life. Weather to go to college or find an alternate root. Leaving home was a very hard thing for my brother to do when he went off to college. He didn’t favor the independence that he had from home;
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An adult may have maybe only an income of $600-$700 a week because of the job they work at. This amount might only be enough to cover their rent and bills and allow them to get some food on the table with some needed budgeting. Students who are going to college may live on campus and be paying their imaginary money for it, and once they’re done they need to somehow get their debt paid off with a degree that they really can’t find a job for. Students going into college should be educated on the debt that they’re about to incur of the next 4-12 years (depending on the degree). Some students just want to get on with life and leave school in the dust and just pick up a trade.
Trade schools are a wonderful thing for people who really don’t want to go to college but still want to make a living. My older brother ,Jeremy, went to Canton South's automotive program and was able to get a job right out of high school. He makes about as much as some of his friends do that are out on their own fresh out of college, if not more than them. With this he hasn’t gone through debt, he hasn't gone through the feeling of being pushed out of home, and he hasn’t had to deal with going to college in general for a good paying job. Instead he went to a trade school and is very successful at what he

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