English 3 Honors
4 March 2011
Golf: A History Golf often makes people think of boring, old men walking around a huge green course. This is not always the case. Many different people have been known to enjoy the game of golf. Where golf came from is bound to surprise some people who think it is just for elderly people. Golf is very interesting to learn about, including: the history, association’s tournaments, women in golf, and famous players. The history of golf is widely discussed and no one knows for sure where it came from. It is said to have originated in early Roman eras. Though its origins are uncertain, many countries have early records of the game. Women have always been excluded in most sports because sports are thought of as men’s territory. In golf, that has never been the case. There are no records of any sexism in this sport. Women have surpassed and played beside men since the beginning of the sport. Some great golf players are infamous, such as Eldrick “Tiger” Woods, but some are never heard of unless you are a big fan. Other golf players have many wins and great talent. These players need recognition just like the widely advertised ones do. Let’s start off with an overview of the game. The game of golf is played on a large grassy area with a small ball and a set of wood- and steel-headed clubs. (Golf Compton’s by Britannica 3-6) There are many rules, definitions, and basic etiquette techniques to the game of golf. The underlying principles to all the rules of golf are: play the ball as it lies, play the course as you find it, if you cannot do either, do what is fair. The side which is entitled to play first from the teeing ground is said to have the “honor”. Also, “if a referee has been appointed by the Committee, his decision is final.” (Watson 11, 26, 58) The governing body of golf in the United States is the United States Golf Association, whose headquarters are in Far Hills, New Jersey (Tournament Golf and
Bibliography: Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. Golf. Britannica Book of the Year, 1997. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 1 Mar. 2011. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 23 Feb. 2011. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. <http://school.eb.com/comptons/article-9335707>. Tournament Golf and Champions. Compton 's by Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. <http://school.eb.com/comptons/article-229050>. Watson, Tom, and Frank Hannigan. The Rules of Golf. New York: Random House, 1980. Print. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 23 Feb. 2011. <http://school.eb.com/comptons/article-9314194>. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 2 Mar. 2011. Zaharias, Babe Didrikson. Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 2 Mar. 2011. <http://school.eb.com/eb/article-9078199>.