The timeless 16th Century play write, William Shakespeare wrote a play titled The Tragedy of Macbeth, which took place during the barbaric age of Scotland. In the production, the main character Macbeth allows the influence of a close relative and mysterious witches to corrupt his morals, allegiance, and honesty to his king, country and fellowmen. The most notable theme in this tragedy is the conflict of good vs. evil throughout the natives of Scotland.
In opening, the leading character Macbeth exemplifies the greatest illustration of characteristics for good vs. evil. In Act 1 the reader can moralize that Macbeth is a good nobleman, who is loyal to his king, satisfied with his new title as the Thane of Cawdor and is unpretentious among his fellow noblemen. This is an example of him being good, because after confiding in his wife and Banquo about the witches predictions of him being king, he expresses that does not desire his superior’s title and will not perform any acts of slaughter to become the king of Scotland. However, by Act III Macbeth’s new brand is he as murderous, untrustworthy, conceited, and narcissistic. This wicked side of Macbeth …show more content…
evil is proved in Macbeth is through similar events happening but are driven by contrasting reasons. The event that supports this theme is whenever Scotland gets taken back from being take over. The good time is in Act 4 when Malcolm and Macduff are in England and decide that it is the right choice to go back and save their native land. They decide to do this because they are tired of Macbeths tyrant ways, both have lost family from his ruthless actions, and feel that Scotland deserves to be avenged from Macbeth sovereignty. Which was the foul event that took place in Act 2. The reason Macbeth became king was after Ross discover King Duncan’s dead body, Duncan’s sons fled out of fear which left Macbeth the murder the new king of