What is a good education? Some say a good education consists of going to a good school, and getting a degree. Yes, acquiring a degree is important, but what good is it if it does not leads to good morals. A person can be the smartest person in the world, but if the person’s behavior is bad, the “good education” never existed. For an education to be deemed “good”, it has to promote good morals. The good morals are gotten from God’s instructions. A good education is also an education that teaches responsibility. It makes one accountable for the things that happen in their life. It gives one a mindset that he/she does not have to rely on anybody. A good education involves getting a degree and at the same time learning what is morally right in God’s eyes. Advantages of good education include one being able to take care of his family, being able to communicate effectively and respectively, and also it reduces the number of birth rates.
A good education gives someone the ability to take care of their family. Due to the fact that getting a degree increases the chance for someone to get a high paying job, people do it for the wrong motives. Some people get a good education so that they can be selfish with the money they get with their degree. On the other hand, someone educated to behave morally right would care to take care of the family that they have, and not just him. Even if the job is not high paying, a good education teaches one to show generosity at all time.
Another advantage of a good education is that it also gives one the ability to talk effectively and respectively. To have a degree one must have taken English and communication courses that are helpful in improving one’s grammar and communication skills. What good is one’s grammar he cannot hold a conversation with others? A good education makes one able to convey his opinion in an understandable manner. Most people who get their degrees still act disrespectful. These people