Google, Inc., promises to offer advertising services to a customer in accordance to the terms outlined in the contract. The terms will govern the customer’s participation in Google’s advertising offerings and programs and how to remedy disputes.
The provisions to be included in the contract must satisfy the criteria of a valid contract. Specifically, the contract must include an offer, an acceptance, consideration, capacity and a lawful purpose. Below, we attempt to outline the provisions that should be included in each section of the contract:
1. The Names, addresses and contact information for representatives of both Google, Inc. and the customer for Google advertising services.
2. State the advertising services Google will perform for the customer and their associated costs. These Google services may include and are not limited to1:
i. Cost per impression, visual banner ads ii. Cost per Click, or Click through rates iii. Targeted advertising by utilizing user data and searching results/tendencies iv. Optimization of keywords for customer (Google Analytics)
v. Customization of brands, trademarks, display ads and banners into Google’s search technology and algorithms
3. Contract Termination
a. Time lapse: The length of the agreement, i.e. when the contract begins and when it is terminated
b. Google retains the right to revoke the contract at anytime II. ACCEPTANCE
1. Signature of customer indicating acceptance of the terms outlined in the contract for advertising services provided by Google
1. Google must outline the policies of its advertising programs.
2. Google should state the limitations of their programs, namely the delivery of advertisements with its platform
a. Google should seek to not claim guarantees regarding the place, time, quantity or quality of:
i. Costs per click ii. The availability or delivery of visual ads, or impressions iii. Click through