Google is famous for many things that they communicate within the company.
Google concentrates on an easy to use, effective system allowing them to strive for improvement in the expansion technology area. Google allows users to access searches from anywhere with their mobile platform called Android.
Google makes money from advertising without the vast majority of users even knowing they are doing it. This can be a positive and a negative.
SWOT Analysis
Strengths for Google include:
Advertising quality and strength
Strong infrastructure
There is a clear culture of innovation
Worldwide access and constant use
Growing investments toward the future
Plenty of smaller competition to learn mistakes from
Google’s weaknesses are:
Google+ is not showing any signs of being able to compete with Facebook rely too heavily on the search engine’s income
Patent litigation monetary and public relations costs
New opportunities realized could be:
Worldwide growth of Google
Online TV, video/movies, print, and other advertising
New products and services
Mergers and acquisitions with potential industry titans
Market share threats are:
Other industry competition could cause market share deterioration
Apple wanting to use Google services without contractual obligations
Increasing security issues due to cloud computing
Financial Analysis
Google has maintained increasing net profits and has seen a steady increase in revenues despite any variances in the economic climate. Advertising revenue has increased using AdSense and Network websites. Google has been able to increase ad revenue through increased advertising and marketing on their site YouTube. Google has really been able to increase revenue, net profit, and operating income considerably.
Google has created about a strong a brand name as a business could hope for. They have continued to maintain a positive and
Cited: Google. (2013). Google. Retrieved from Google Company: Harford, T. (2011, August 15). Co.DESIGN. Retrieved from Google 's Business Strategy: King, R. (2011, Nov.). Slideshare. Retrieved from Google 's Business Model:! Google. (2013). Google. Retrieved from Google Jobs: Google. (2013). Google Co. Ret. from